Highly reflective metalized mulches are coated on top with a thin aluminum mirrored layer and are not bulk colored like silver-grey mulches with aluminum pigments.
By the laws of physics, only an aluminum mirror reflects more than 90% of solar radiation, ranging from infrared (IR) to (UV) ultraviolet radiation and in between visible light, which includes photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) to:
- protect plants from diseases by repelling pests
- accelerate plant growth
- boost yields
Metalized mulches are scientifically proven to reduce insect colonization significantly, in squash, melon, tomato, pepper, potato, citrus and other crops. These mulches delay the onset of insect-borne viral and bacterial diseases spread by daylight active insects like whiteflies, aphids, leafhoppers, and psyllids.
Metalized mulches protect plants from disease infestation, keeping insects away by reflecting high intensity solar UV and visible radiation from the ground, which disorients and blinds insects. In comparison, insecticides are sprayed on plants and hence insects need to feed on the plant to be killed. However, death occurs no earlier than ½ hour after the insect lands and according to scientific studies, insects only need 30 seconds to transmit the disease to the plant after landing!
Highly reflective mulches increase the amount of visible solar light for photosynthesis in the lower plant parts. Higher photosynthesis rates in the lower plant stimulates additional plant growth, promotes earlier crop maturation, increases yields 25 to 50% strawberries or 45 - 91% in citrus varieties and enhances fruit quality, like size, taste or brix value.
High-reflective mulches will cease efficacy for insect repellency and growth promotion once the growing plants shadows more than 60% of the reflective area, later in the season when the plant is established.
Only metalized mulches reduce soil temperature by 5oF at a depth of 4 inches, even in hot tropical climates. For managing seasonal changes in soil temperature, metalized films with a center strip of black plastic are able to warm the root zones in spring, while cooling the bed in the summer. Films with a metalized strip in the center and flanked on either side by black plastic, cool the root zone in early fall, while warming the bed in winter (Heat Trap).